ILG Cover


Introducción a la lexicografía griega






Redactado por F. R Adrados, E. Gangutia, J. López Facal y C. Serrano Aybar
Manuales y Anejos de Emerita no 33, Madrid, CSIC, 1977
17 x 25 cms., X + 280 pp.
7,21 euros
ISBN 84-00-03609-3 - Rfa. 274

Out of print

Read the table of contents and the complete book (PDF files)


Alvar Ezquerra, M., Analecta Malacitana 1(1), 1978, pp. 196-199; Bernabé, A., RSEL 8, 1978, pp. 483-486; Gutierrez, J., REG 91, 1978, pp. 577-578; Kilpatrick, G.D., ThLZ 109, 1984, pp.267-269; Martínez Díez, A., Emerita 47, 1979, pp. 215-217; Mawet, F., AC 63, 1994, pp. 434-435; Pegueroles, J., Studia Papyrologica 17, 1978, pp. 129-131; Slater, W.J., CR 29, 1979, pp. 88-90; Turasiewickz, R., Eos 71, 1983, pp. 92-96; Pugliese Carratelli, G., PP 37, 1982, pp.76-78.


«Il volume costituisce insieme una relazione sui metodi elaborati dai redattori del DGE e un profilo storico della lessicografia greca: due temi intimamente collegati, perché l'indagine storica sulla secolare esperienza lessicografica e il lavoro lessicografico in atto si dànno reciproco lume.» (G. Pugliese Carratelli)     «The discussion in these last sections is refreshingly practical, obviously the result of constant compromise of theory in the face of hard experience. It is happily free from these grandiose proposals which are often put forth by commitees on expense accounts, which consider only what scholars would like, rather than what others can do or afford. Those proposing to undertake the tribulation of lexicography could do more worse than read these later chapters.» (W.J. Slater)      «... se ve que realmente se trata de un manual muy completo con una exposición casi exhaustiva de los principios teóricos, métodos, instrumentos de trabajo y problemas generales relacionados con la lexicografía griega.» (J. Pegueroles)