New Edition of DGE Canon Lists
(last updated: 04-02-2019)
This new edition of the DGE Canon Lists of editions and abbreviations is the
same that can be found in the Second Edition, revised and augmented, of volume
I, appeared in 2008. A Supplement, still
unpublished, which will appear in the volume VIII, is presented separately. The indication in the lists allows to consult individually the addenda et corrigenda of this new
Supplement. A system of menus makes it very easy to shift from one List to another and also to move across them.
In Lists I-III all the abbreviated bibliographical references are links which allow to consult easily the place in List IV where the abbreviation is developed. Inversely, in List IV all the abbreviations of authors and works, of papyri and
ostraca, and of inscriptions are also links to their corresponding entries in Lists I-III. Finally, in all the lists cross-references between two entries are links which facilitate also a quick and efficient consultation.
This computer version of the DGE Canon Lists has been prepared and revised by Juan Rodríguez Somolinos, with the assistance of Eugenio Luján Martínez.
To interpret this List you will need to check the List of Abbreviations (IV). The ambiguous abbreviations can be easily interpreted taking into account the rest of the reference and the context in general.
When p. or n. is followed by a number, it means that the work in question appears starting from this page or number, not that it is limited to them. [ ] refers to an edition reproduced photomechanically.
The date of the authors is sometimes approximative. Their classification into one genre or another is merely orientative.
Under each author the edition followed for each work or group of works is specified: first comes the edition, then, indented, the work or works. If for an author only one edition is followed, the works are not usually specified. If for an author several editions are followed, and after the first one there is no indication of work, this means that the other editions refer to the works specifically mentioned under them, and the first one to the rest (so e.g. for Lycophro). But it can also happen that two or more editions are given without indication of works, as for Euphorio or Antipho sophista: this means that the quotations follow the first one, unless the passage does not appear in it. On the other hand, an author like Bacchylides, for which there are entries of Fr., Epigr. and Sch., is quoted only by the author's abbreviation, without work abbreviation, except in the case of epigrams, fragments and Scholia.
For the Christian authors collected by Migne, see the foreword to the vol. I, p. XVII. The Scholia are quoted indifferently by any of the editions, except when it is specified.
In every author's entry, the works are alphabetically arranged. When there are several editions, only the first work in every edition can be taken into account for this ordering; after that work, the other works published in the same edition follow in alphabetical order. See, for instance, Aristotle. An exception to this rule is Galen, whose entry is ordered according to the pages of Kühn's edition. In any case, Ep. (the Letters, generally apocryphal), the fragments and the Scholia usually can be found at the end of the entry. Some cross-references can be used to trace works in List I of Vol. I which have been moved from one entry to another in this new List (cf. for instance Polystratus or Basilius Seleuciensis).
Notice that we do not provide for each entry all of the epigraphical and papyrological fragments that are not collected in the editions followed: the quotations in the Dictionary can always be interpreted by means of the Lists II, III or ultimately IV.
Moreover, it is not always indicated that an author can be quoted by his sources for the case of passages not collected in his edition or editions; this is also generally the case with Christian authors appearing in «Catenae» or secondary collections. It can also happen that an author not mentioned in this List and from whom only fragments preserved by other authors remain is quoted in the Dictionary.
Finally, it is worth noting that the Latin authors and their works have been collected very selectively. In the entries of the Dictionary authors and works not mentioned in this List can also be quoted: in those cases, we use the abbreviation, numbering and edition of the DL, with the exception of the Christian authors, for whom we use the following corpora in hierarchical order. 1. Corp.Christ. (SL), 2. CSEL, 3. SC, 4. ML.
The papyri published in journals or isolated publications (Miscellanea, Proceedings of Congresses, Festschriften, etc.) are not collected in this list, except in some special cases. Whenever it is possible, we quote these texts by Sammelbuch. When it is not, the quotation should be interpreted with the help of the List IV (e.g. PMich.inv. ... (II d.C.) en ZPE...). Nevertheless, we have included, for various reasons, some small collections even if they have been collected in Sammelbuch, in which case, after the data of the publication, the mention (cit. por Sammelb. ...) is added. Otherwise, if we continue quoting them by the collection, we usually specify in the entry the correspondence with Sammelbuch (= Sammelb. ...) for the sake of information and to facilitate the consultation.
We quote each collection with an only abbreviation, the one that corresponds to the entry of the list in which the complete data of the book are presented. When it has seemed useful to include alternative abbreviations for the same collection, we refer to the main abbreviation with a = (e.g. OTait = OBodl.). When an abbreviation simply refers to another with a v. (= véase), in the entry where the complete data of the book are presented, it is explained that a part of the texts are quoted in that other way (e.g. OMag., v. PMag.).
Volumes that do not contain Greek nor Latin papyri at all (but Coptic, Arabic, Demotic, etc., e.g. CPR II-IV or PHeid. II), as well as volumes that contain exclusively literary papyri pertaining to works known by manuscript transmission (e.g. most of the PChester Beatty) are not included in this list. Nevertheless, we include numerous volumes that contain only new or partly new literary papyri, although if they have not still been collected in some particular edition mentioned in the List I, we quote them according to some abbreviation of this list (e.g. Erot.Fr.Pap. en POxy. ...) or of the List IV (e.g. ép. en en PKöln...).
Occasionally, in the entries of the dictionary a word can be quoted from an unpublished papyrus of the British Museum (PLond.inéd.), whose reference we take from LSJ.
The inscriptions published in journals or isolated publications are not included in this list, except in some special cases. Whenever it is possible, we quote these texts by SEG. When it is not, the quotation should be interpreted with the help of the List IV.
The ambiguous abbreviations, like n. = name and number, can be easily interpreted taking into account the rest of the reference and the context in general.
The indications I, II and III refer to these Lists, where more data are presented about the entries in which they appear. Abbreviations of works are not included here: they are developed in the List I under their authors.
For missing abbreviations in this List, please refer to L'Année Philologique.